Make a roller coaster. (No partner).

Twisty Track



The track twists a lot. It features a Yoshi cart and my extra credit.

First Person

First person view!

Note that the above GIFs are sampled down to save bandwidth/space. I created GIFs with a higher FPS of the two above here. Overview, First Person. I will probably make them into videos later, because this GIFs are on the scale of 40MB and 30MB.

Yoshi Cart

Using my extra credit for this assignment, I made a OBJ model of a "Yoshi Cart." The picture above is rendered in my AS6 Raytracer.

Extra Credit

Track Editor

Edit tracks. (This took most of my time.)

Textured Rail

Note that I didn't use previous semesters' frameworks to achieve texture mapping!

Textured Skybox

Arbitrary OBJ Coaster